
Buttons are divided into text button and image button.

Text Button


text button example images

text button example images

Examples of Text Button Apperance


A Figma element composed of a shape (rectangle or circle) and text.

Naming & Grouping

  • The text button should be a group.
  • The group name should contain the word textbutton.
  • Besides text, the groups are also required to contain a rectangle or a cricle (we only support these two shapes right now).

Image Button


image button examples images

Examples of Image Button Apperance


A Figma element composed of graphics (or group of shapes) without text.

Naming & Grouping

  • The image button should be a group.
  • The group name should contain the word imagebutton.
  • The image button group should have a sub-component with its name containing one of the words image, icon or picture, this component will be downloaded as the image.

The image sub-component can be a single bitmap/vector image or even a group of any other elements (such as multiple vectors that collectively form an image). In the latter case, this tool will download and render the entire group as a bitmap.